Date: Wednesday 21 February 2024
Take the opportunity to have your say and directly ask questions about the Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (BOB ICB) draft Primary Care strategy, which aims to transform general practice, dentistry, community pharmacy and optometry (eye care).

The online webinar will be held via Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 21 February, 6pm - 7pm with a presentation and your chance to ask questions to the panel, which includes Dr Abid Irfan, BOB ICB Director of Primary Care and Louise Smith, Deputy Director of Primary Care.
You can express your interest in attending by emailing with your name and email address for a joining link. The link will be released a few days before the webinar.
For more details about the draft strategy and how you can share your views go to the public engagement site YourVoiceBOB