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  • Writer's pictureHealthwatch West Berkshire

Thinking together 5

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

This report is based on the fifth in a series of events bringing together people from across West Berkshire who have or have previously suffered mental health problems, along with public and voluntary sector organisations that commission and provide local support.

At this online event people shared their experiences of the national lockdowns and discussed what they would like to see done differently in the future.

Participants identified a number of things they would like to be done differently in future, including:

• The joined-up ‘can do’ approach from local agencies should continue.

• There should be more devolution to local areas, listening to and involving local groups and individuals.

• The benefits from the use of technology should be preserved to make sure people are not digitally excluded.

• More needs to be done to help people's mental health in employment and to help those at risk of losing, or who have lost their jobs.

• Particular attention should be given to groups at greatest risk, including carers, support workers, people with disabilities, those who were shielded and the self-employed.

• There was also a strong wish to try and maintain the positive community spirit that had emerged, especially in the first lockdown.

To read the full report including 21 recommendations to local health and care providers, please click on the report below.

Thinking Together Report Nov 2020
Download PDF • 394KB

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